“What is Die Trying?

Christopher Perry, Owner-

“In 2020 I had a revelation that forever changed me. Throughout my life I have been obsessed with various pursuits, for a long time I was embarrassed of how neurotic I was. This thought came across me that still gives me goosebumps to this day, ‘These passions throughout life inevitably have given me purpose, that purpose is what has kept me alive, so why would I not be willing to die trying for these passions?’”

My Fitness Journey

My fitness journey began a decade ago as an obese 15 year old. Throughout most of my youth I was bullied for my weight, my freshman year of high school I finally had enough and promised myself I would finally lose the weight I had dreamed of. Over the span of 6 months I lost over 100 pounds. For the next two years I slowly gained every ounce of that 100 pounds back, I felt defeated. I began yet another weight loss journey and successfully lost another 80 pounds.

My senior year of high school I received a lot of unwarranted attention which ultimately led me down a path of bulimia and binge eating disorder, after getting down to 161 pounds I realized something was wrong.

In 2019

After numerous years of rebuilding my relationship with food I built up the courage to compete in my first show, the Flex Lewis Classic. I prepped for a total of 33 weeks, going into the show I had zero idea of what to expect. I ended up winning the entire show, this win is what has driven me to continue to compete and now guide athletes through their show preps