Full Testimonials
Kirsten Pride-
"I started with Chris in November of 2022 with the goal of competing in my first bodybuilding competition, a goal I never would have reached without his help. Over the course of 8 months Chris helped me to transform both mentally and physically. Throughout my prep he answered each of my questions, encouraged me when it was needed, and told me the honest truths when necessary. I have learned more about training and nutrition in the past 9 months on Team Die Trying than I had in the previous 3 years of trying to learn about the lifestyle on my own.
The impact that Chris’ coaching has had on my life is hard to put into words. Bodybuilding and what he has taught me about training, nutrition, consistency, hard work, and facing challenges has translated into every other aspect of my life. They are tools that I will use forever, regardless of where life takes me."

Riley Orrico-
"A good coach isn’t someone who just gets you to point A to point B. A good coach is someone who shows you the potential you never knew you had. Someone you have a desire to show up for. Someone who drives that hunger to want more out of yourself. That someone for me was Chris Perry. I think the results he produces speak for themselves. Anyone who has ever worked with him, committed to the plan given, and put their heads down to work got the results they wanted, me included. But it’s a lot more than just physical changes that occurred in our time working together. Chris showed me that this was a lot more than putting on muscle, it was putting on confidence. That I should not only be proud of the body I worked for, but the mentality that got built behind it. The never f**cking give up mentality. The die trying mentality.
I’ve had coaches that failed me in the past. Made me feel as if I wasn’t worth it, as if I didn’t have a spot in this world to ever become a bodybuilder. The saying you are your environment is true and I lived in those self doubting words for a long time. It wasn’t until I got the chance to work with Chris that I started to unravel out of those self-doubt hating words. For the first time in a long time I was with someone who wanted it more than I did. Someone who saw potential I never thought I had. Someone who was willing to answer all of my silly questions, without passing judgment. To me that meant the world. Since he knew I could do it, I knew it too.
I think almost anyone can write you a plan and get you from point A to point B. But few can rebuild confidence, rebuild and restructure a once destroyed mindset, and refurnish a rather tainted idea of what it meant to have a coach. I’m eternally grateful for working with Chris. I think anyone who is questioning if they should consider pursuing him as a coach, needs to try it out themselves. It’s so much more than just receiving a plan and putting on muscle and I don’t think people realize that until they get to experience it themselves."

Drew Yenilla-
"Have you tried all kinds of different diets? Never stayed true to them for more than 2 months? Gained all the weight back that you lost before and you feel stuck? That’s exactly how I felt before I met Chris. I tried keto, low carb, counting calories, weight watchers, just about every fad diet you can think of. The most I ever lost was 50lbs and I was so damn proud to be at 335lbs. If you’ve done the math, yes at one point I was 385lbs. For me I hated not eating carbs. I mean who doesn’t love carbs? The reason I joined Chris’s team was because a friend mentioned that instead of dieting to lose weight to instead diet and workout and lose weight that way you have some skin in the game. So for me I liked this concept of having to work for this and maybe I’d think twice about cheating on my diet. The other reason I decided to join Chris was because at the time one of my friends was working with him and having a major transformation with him. So at the time I decided to sign up for a prepaid 3 month plan with him so that I would again have some skin in the game and not back out after a month.
Since then my life has been flipped completely upside down. Honestly joining Chris’s team was the best decision I have ever made. He has helped me lose over 140lbs and I got down to a low of 215lbs which means I lost 170lbs at one time. I am so much more confident in myself and my mental health has completely changed. I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin. For so long I would stare in the mirror and just be disgusted with the mistakes I made in my lifetime and now I see a man that has overcome the impossible and I’m so proud of myself for that. I will always remember my 385 pound self mentality and I will never go back knowing how I feel in this moment because I know everyday I wake up I am better than I was yesterday and that feeling is incredible.
Chris has been a great support system for me considering he has been through a similar transformation. He has always guided me on the right path and has encouraged me at every step of this process. When I first signed up my goal weight was 250lbs. I wanted to fit into normal clothes like at least a 2xl and by 300lbs I think that goal went out the window and I saw my potential. Having someone to ask questions to and to keep you in check is so beneficial when you don’t know what you’re doing and also when you have to hold yourself accountable every week having to take pictures in a pair of boxers and report to your coach how you did there’s something spiritual about that, almost like you don’t want to let your coach down you don’t want to let yourself down so you put your head down and get to work.
I am forever grateful for the conversation I had with my friend that night that led me to messaging Chris almost instantly after. I am forever grateful for the support and tools Chris has provided for me. And most of all I’m grateful for Chris helping me change my entire life."